As the saying goes life is short but it is definitely the longest thing you'll ever do. The Fiallis team have collectively come up with a list of 10 things to do before you die. So without further ado:

1. Sleep under the stars - Its a magical experience sleeping under the stars watching the velvety sky and the night breeze smoothly caressing you. This would be a good romantic retreat.

2. Ask a hot guy out on a date - Asking someone that you really like out on a date can be really daunting but, if you think about it carefully. Whats the worst that could happen other than getting a 'no'. So pick that phone up, you have nothing to loose. Good luck!

3. Sleep in a haunted house - Experience the horror movie in real life. That's if you believe in ghosts. 

4. Make a difference in someone's life - Don't be selfish with your blessings. You will feel a whole much better about yourself when affect someone positively. This can be done through random and small acts of kindness.

5. Go on a safari - Especially if you live in Kenya where that is one of the main tourist attractions. Go observe the big 5. 

6. Run a marathon - It is one of the most challenging and most rewarding experiences. The training process keeps you fit and crossing that finish line is a euphoric moment.

7. Ride a horse or a camel along the beach - One word; Mombasa!

8. Learn at least 10 words in a foreign language - Challenge yourself and try a language that's completely different from yours.

9. Get your dream job/career - You can do it! 

10. Learn a new vocabulary everyday - Stop limiting yourself to old, overused words and catchphrases. Learn some new ones already! 

Tell us what do you think of this bucket list?  We would also love to hear what's on your bucket list. 4